Have you ever had an unexpected outcome after trying something in faith? Cru’s Jesus Film Ministry partners in a remote part of Africa had a remarkable response to a film showing. At first, it seemed like all was lost, but the Holy Spirit was at work and surprised everyone. 

A local father and son heard about a “JESUS” film team sharing the gospel around their community. To them, this was blasphemy that had to be stopped. So, they grabbed guns and headed to where the team was. The team was jarred awake from sleep with guns pointed right at them. They were about to be executed.

The father and son demanded, “Are you the ones showing the film about the Prophet, causing people to stop following our faith?” Knowing they could be killed the next moment, the team courageously replied: “Yes. We are the people, and if you have come to kill us, that is OK. You can kill us. But before you do, we have one request. Will you please watch the film?”

The team was amazed when the father, who fervently defended his religion, agreed to watch the film. So, they set up their portable equipment and showed them “JESUS.” Because the film was in their heart language, the father and son heard and understood the Word of God for the first time. They were gripped by God’s love and the story of Jesus’ miracles, words, death, and resurrection. It was clear to them: Jesus was not just a Prophet but God Incarnate.

When the film concluded, rather than killing the team, the father jumped to his feet and shouted, “I have seen the Lord!” The film team explained the gospel further to the father and son, explaining how much Jesus, the Son of God, loves them. They believed and were made new by the power of the Holy Spirit. The father and son were transformed from death to life.

This is God at work changing lives in our world today. Pray that this father and son will continue to grow in their faith.  Pray for protection for the JESUS Film teams in Africa, as spiritual darkness and persecution make spreading the gospel in several regions dangerous. Pray for more partnerships with ministries and churches in Africa so the JESUS Film Ministry can equip them to continue to help reach the unreached.

Robin and I “ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding. Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.” (Colossians 1:9–10) Thank you for your involvement in our lives and ministry.

Yours in Christ, 

Steve & Robin