Campus Crusade for Christ, known as Cru in the US, was founded in 1951 on the UCLA campus by Bill and Vonette Bright.
Our purpose is to help fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith, sending them to win and build others, and helping the body of Christ to do evangelism and discipleship through a variety of creative ways.
We are committed to the centrality of the cross, the truth of the Word, the power of the Holy Spirit and the global scope of the Great Commission. Read our Statement of Faith.
Cru offers spiritual guidance, resources and programs tailored for people from all cultures in every walk of life through many diverse outreaches, including:
- Movements on more than 1,700 college campuses around the world, engaging thousands of actively involved students.
- Ministry to military installations and communities across the U.S., as well as deployed units.
- Partnership with more than 1,700 churches and organizations to reach America's poor with the resources they need not only to survive, but also to succeed and overcome the challenges of poverty.
- On-going spiritual enrichment programs with 35 professional sports teams and 205 college teams across the United States.
- Marriage and parenting programming reaching a weekly audience of 1.5 million and some 60,000 conference attendees each year.
- Spiritual support for more than 900 leaders and presidential appointees in the White House, Capitol Hill, the Pentagon, and foreign embassies.
- Providing media tools, training and resources in more than 1,200 languages through the JESUS Film Project.
- Thriving ministries in almost every country in the world.
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