As Zach walked back to the group, he was in shock. “So, uh, everyone just prayed to receive Christ.”
Zach and Jack, two Clemson college students, were with Cru on a spring break trip to Destin. As they set up a volleyball net, three local high schoolers approached them.
The group began to talk about all kinds of things, from vaping to speeding to where they went to school. After a few minutes, two more of their friends joined the group.
As they continued talking, the conversation turned to spiritual things, and thanks to their Cru training, Zach and Jack clearly shared the gospel with the high school students. After lots of conversation, all five guys decided to begin to follow Christ!
On the same trip, Janaya, another Clemson student, had a conversation with a cashier in a store. The cashier asked if the group were Christians. Janaya said that they were, and the cashier said she could tell by their joy.
The cashier asked if they were with Cru. Again, Janaya replied that they were. The cashier then shared that she had become a believer last year when a Cru student shared with her on the beach. She said it had completely changed her life!
Praise God for the profound impact this spring break trip had on people’s lives, along with the many other Cru spring break trips that college groups participated in!
Please pray that the people who made the life-changing decision to follow Christ will get plugged into a local church and grow in their faith. Also, pray that the students who went on the spring break trips will continue to share their faith with friends and family now that they are back on campus.
We are deeply grateful for your unwavering support and partnership in our ministry with Cru, which shares the Good News of Jesus Christ’s love and forgiveness worldwide.
Yours in Christ,
Steve & Robin