“I was terrified!” said Enya. “I’ve never told anyone about Jesus.” Enya, a college freshman, attended the Destino Winter Conference (DWC) a few weeks ago. Destino is Cru’s ministry to Latino college students. One afternoon, she and several other students at the conference sent a video to their friends on Facebook with a gospel message. Enya said, “Even though I hadn’t talked to my friend for years, it went really well. She was really thankful I shared the video with her.”
That same afternoon, the rest of the 230 students at the Destino conference partnered with a local church for an outreach to kids in neighborhoods around the city. They played games and taught them a Bible story and memory verse. These students learned how to share Jesus Christ with others. The students had 136 conversations and eight people prayed to receive Christ that afternoon!
These conferences allow students to step away from the chaos of life and consider their lives in light of eternity. “I’m so glad I went,” said Hannah, another student at the Destino conference. “The Lord worked in so many ways this weekend. I’m looking forward to taking back what I’ve learned from this conference and continuing to share the gospel and His love with others.”
Please pray for Enya, Hannah, and the other students who attended the Destino conference. Pray that they will continue to grow in their faith and that they would share the good news of God’s love and forgiveness on their campuses around the US. Pray also for the people who heard the gospel during the outreaches at the conference and for those eight people who asked Jesus to be their Lord and Savior.
It’s always nice to hear good news, isn’t it? You can subscribe to Cru Storylines where you will hear more about how God is working through the ministries of Cru. It’s a free publication that will be emailed to you every two months. Each issue will include four to six stories about what God is doing in the US and around the world. You will see how your prayers and investment in Cru helps people come to know the Lord and grow in their faith. To subscribe, go to www.cru.org/storylines/subscribe.
Robin and I praise God that I have found a doctor here in Orlando who is willing to work hard to find out what’s going on with me. My doctor felt like I wasn’t healing fast enough from the Epstein Barr Virus, so he did further testing and discovered that I also have Lyme disease. I have started taking three antibiotics in addition to the anti-viral that I’m taking for the Epstein Barr. Please pray that I will continue to heal.
We are so grateful for your continued prayers and investment in our ministry with Cru. Thank you!
Yours in Christ,
Steve & Robin