Here is an update from our friend, April, who serves Cru in South Carolina with Cru’s Campus and Athletes in Action Ministries:
“What is our North Star with Cru? Multiplying Disciples. We want to see students won to Christ, built in their faith, and sent out to win, build, and send others, producing multiplying disciples who impact the world.
“We have been encouraged to see this beginning to happen with Athletes in Action (AIA) at Anderson University (AU). Kamryn is a track/cross country athlete who helped us launch AIA at Anderson over a year ago. She started an action group for other lady athletes where she intentionally disciples them. It has been so encouraging to see Kamryn share her faith, disciple other ladies, and help lead in a significant way with AIA.
“Kamryn also shared her experience with AIA in front of 45 coaches and the Athletic Director at Anderson. As she graduates and heads to law school in Virginia, I am confident she will continue sharing her faith and investing in the lives of others.
“Through leaders like Kamryn, it is exciting to see how God moves through AIA at Anderson. We went from four athlete leaders last fall to seven this coming fall. From one team Bible study in the fall to three team Bible studies this semester. We have two athletes going on Cru Summer missions this summer and an athlete who will be interning with us this fall.
“Jenn, the strength and conditioning coach at AU, commented: ‘I can see such a huge difference and so much growth in the athletes I know that are involved with AIA. There is a noticeable boost in their confidence, and they carry themselves like people who know their purpose more concretely now. I can tell that it impacts those teammates around them who are witnessing it too. I see this ministry working among so many teams at AU.’”
This is an excellent example of how Cru missionaries live out Cru’s Mission of Win • Build • Send. This multiplication process spiritually impacts a growing number of people worldwide who will spend eternity with God in Heaven.
Thank you for investing your treasure in Cru and us. Jesus told us, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:19-21
Yours in Christ,
Steve & Robin