About a week before a recent Cru FamilyLife Weekend to Remember conference, the conference team received this prayer request...

"Our marriage feels like it may be close to being over. The only thing that keeps me from canceling are the testimonies I’ve read. It’s been a very hard few months and this [the conference] may be the only thing left to do. My prayer is that God moves in big ways through this. We don’t even see each other anymore as we used to, and mostly as enemies.

“My heart is broken, this weekend isn’t something either of us are looking forward to because we are in such a bad spot. It’s painful and angering at the same time. I wanted to ask if you could pray for us. We have been through so much in the last few years...Only God can change this at this point. I hope this weekend is definitely one to remember, in a good way." - Wife 

As the wife says, “Only God…” Here is the response from the wife after the Weekend to Remember event:

“...We almost did not make it, in fact, my husband and I decided the conference wasn't worth it and divorce was the next step for us. After hours of nasty fighting and missing the first day [Friday] of the event, I truly believe the Holy Spirit took over in such an indescribable way and we ended up [attending] on Saturday morning on time.

“The next two days were the most impactful, powerful, truly important days we have had! Our marriage was not only saved, but restored, and now we are on a completely different road. The conference was amazingly organized with such incredible people hosting it and now I can fully see how the enemy did everything possible to stop us from going...God changed it all! We have renewed our commitment to our marriage and [are] doing things so much differently now.

“Weekend to Remember was the best decision we could have ever made and we plan to continue attending for years to come. If you prayed for us, thank you deeply.”

To find out more about Cru’s FamilyLife ministry and one of their conferences or small group studies, go to familylife.com.

Speaking of marriage, Robin and I [photo] will celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary on June 17! We give thanks to the Lord for each other. We also give thanks to the Lord for your partnership in our ministry. 

Yours in Christ, 

Steve & Robin