Two years ago, Chris, a student at Medgar Evers College, a predominantly African American school in the heart of Brooklyn, noticed a sizeable group of white students roaming the campus. Chris, raised in a nominally Buddhist home, was very curious about why they were there. He followed the group into a classroom to discover a Bible study in progress. The students who Chris followed came to New York City during their spring break to help expand the Cru ministry on NYC college campuses.
Chris almost walked out of the classroom, but there was something different about the people at that Bible study. They were honest, they cared, and they had fun. For an entire year, he kept attending, still hesitant to respond to the gospel, but truly enjoying these radically different people.
One day, a student involved in Cru invited Chris to a church service. “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find” was the message. As he left the service, Chris sensed the Lord calling him to respond. For such a long time, he had found his worth in sports or the party scene, but now with tears streaming down his face he found his life in Christ!
This month, Cru students on spring break once again traveled to reach NYC college students and Chris is right there helping them. As he’s grown in his faith, God has built him into a spiritual leader. Those that know him best even call him an evangelist. What’s more, Chris has just been accepted to intern with Cru in the fall, a huge win for the NYC team. Pray that Chris will raise the financial support he needs to intern next year with Cru in NYC.
During this year’s spring break trips to NYC, the gospel was presented to hundreds of students and many prayed to receive Christ as their savior! Pray that those students will get involved in a Bible study and grow in their faith like Chris did. Pray that those who heard the gospel but have not yet responded will continue to think about what they heard. Pray that those who shared the gospel in NYC, many for the first time, will continue to share the gospel back on their own campus.
Last month, we asked you to pray for the Cru ministries at Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) and Parsons School of Design. The group at Parsons is growing, and includes T, a Chinese student who is attending church, reading the Bible, and asking lots of questions. Pray for the administration at FIT, who have decided not to allow outsiders on campus, and will not post flyers for Cru meetings. This is a new development, and our Cru staff need wisdom in knowing how to continue the ministry there.
Thank you for praying for us and our ministry. We cannot fulfill God’s call without your partnership.
Yours in Christ,
Steve & Robin