“The Evangelist” That was Jesse’s nickname on the 2015 NYC Summer Mission trip. Jesse (pictured on the right) is a student from the University of Georgia who was eager to talk about Jesus with anyone who would listen. One morning at Brooklyn College, Jesse met Liping. Although she said she was agnostic (believing she can’t be sure if there is a god), Liping had friends who were Christians and loved to be around their community. Jesse recalled their first meeting: “I got to share the gospel with her [Liping]. After every verse she read, she would sigh and say, ‘That's so good.’ But she still had some doubts…holding her back from truly believing.”
Over the next few weeks Jesse, and several others from the 2015 NYC Summer Mission, spent time with Liping. On their first outing, she gave them a tour of Brooklyn’s Chinatown and adamantly told them that she was not interested in talking about Jesus. However, the more Liping hung out with these students the more she heard stories about how Christ had changed their lives, and she got to see and experience more Christian community. God used these experiences to soften Liping’s heart towards Himself.
After a few weeks, Liping came to church and spent the day with Jesse. Liping said, “I think I am falling more in love with Jesus!” She also told Jesse that she wanted to read the Bible but struggled to read it in English, so Jesse got her one that was written in English and Mandarin.
Jesse is still in contact with Liping and recently wrote, “Liping now officially calls herself a Christian. She loves her church and Bible study, she feels God changing her heart, and she doesn't care that her family disapproves because she says she knows she's right. Please give God HUGE PRAISE for this daughter joining us in His kingdom!!! I've never felt this much joy.”
Robin and I are helping to lead the 2016 NYC Summer Mission, which begins this week, and we’re excited that Jesse will be returning. She will be one of 13 students coming from Georgia, Texas, South Carolina, and Kentucky to learn to share the gospel and grow in their faith. The students will also help find NYC Christian students and connect them with Cru on their campus.
Please pray for us and for the 10 other Cru missionaries who will be discipling students, teaching sessions, and helping the mission trip run smoothly. Pray for God to work in and through the 13 students. Pray for the NYC Summer Mission to have an eternal impact on the lives of people in NYC and beyond.
Rachel and baby Evelyn are doing well. Please pray for them. Evelyn’s due date is July 27. We are so grateful for your prayers and partnership with us in ministry. We hope that it blesses you to know that the Lord is using you to bring the lost into His kingdom.
Yours in Christ,
Steve & Robin