Christian Vazquez pauses from his research in a windowless lab. Sandwich in one hand and pen in the other, he focuses on some recreational reading: a textbook on biblical Greek because he decided on a whim to study biblical Greek. Another student, David, passes Christian and asks, “What’s that?” As Christian explains that he’s using the book to learn biblical Greek, David responds, “Oh, I thought the Bible was written in Latin.”
A conversation about Old and New Testament languages turns into a discussion on faith. The two talked about God’s standard of perfection, and Christian mentioned the need of a sacrifice to pay for our sins. This concept seemed foreign to David, who believes a god exists and everyone should do what makes them happy.
Christian studies aerospace engineering at the University of Central Florida (UCF) in pursuit of his Ph.D. Space exploration fascinates him so he decided to embark on the study of building and designing aircraft and spacecraft. As an avid learner, Christian seeks to transfer knowledge into action, welcoming God into every realm of his life.
Christian learned about devotion to God from his parents. When he was 3, his family moved from Puerto Rico to Orlando and began attending a Spanish-speaking church. As a sophomore in high school, Christian made a discovery while listening to biology teacher Jeremy Absher speak to more than 100 students at a Cru High School conference. Jeremy’s message on faith and reason intrigued Christian. “When we trust God, we’re not taking a blind leap of faith,” Christian remembers Jeremy saying. “Rather, we’re taking a step into the light.”
Jeremy’s talk and further conversation sparked Christian’s desire to learn more. He began to study apologetics, philosophy and history. “I can prove this,” Christian realized in what he calls his “aha” faith moment. “Jesus doesn’t just exist in my mind and heart. He objectively exists. I exist because of Him.”
Now, seven years after his conversation with Jeremy, Christian continues to pursue truth as he tests vibration frequencies of turbine blades, attends classes, and takes part in activities with Destino, the Latino ministry of Cru. Christian serves as the student president of Destino at UCF.
Please pray for the thousands of students, like Christian who are involved with Cru, for their spiritual growth and their witness to the students around them. Robin and I are grateful for your prayers and involvement in our ministry that makes it possible for students like Christian to come to know the Lord and grow in their faith.
Yours in Christ,
Steve & Robin