“I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all Your wonderful deeds.” (Psalm 9:1) In the spirit of this season of thanksgiving, we thought we would recount some of the wonderful deeds of the Lord that we’ve experienced in 2016.
First and foremost, we’re thankful for God’s gift of salvation. We are so thankful that God offers us mercy, grace, and life instead of the death we deserve. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)
We’re thankful for our family, both near and far. We’re especially thankful for our granddaughter, Evelyn, born on August 3. She’s a delight to us, and we are very thankful that we are living with her!
We’re thankful that God has called us to serve Him through Cru, and that He has called us to serve Him in New York City. We love living here, and love being able to use our skills to help reach the million-plus college students with the good news of the Gospel. We’re thankful for how we’ve seen God change the lives of many students since we’ve been here. We’re thankful that the NYC Cru Campus Team has grown from six people in early 2015 to twenty-two people at the end of 2016, with at least a half dozen more who will join us in 2017!
We’re thankful for not only being able to serve Cru in NYC, but also to be able to serve the Northeast Region of Cru by helping run conferences. Last weekend, we helped lead Preview Weekend in Albany, NY. Select college juniors and seniors who are involved with Cru in the Northeast were invited to attend
Preview Weekend to consider and pray about whether God is calling them to serve a year or more with Cru. We are thankful that over 140 students heard about opportunities in our region including NYC, opportunities at Cru’s headquarters in Orlando, and opportunities to serve for a year at several international locations.
We’re thankful for you and your prayers for our ministry and our family. When we’re counting our blessings on Thanksgiving, we will be thinking of you!
Yours in Christ,
Steve & Robin