The start of the school year opens a new world of opportunities for students and also a new world of challenges. Cru wants to meet first-year students and welcome them to campus in the name of Jesus even before they buy their books or receive their first invitation to a party. Cru staff frequently help with move-in and host welcome tables to meet incoming students.
A few weeks ago, Cru staff and students at the University of South Florida (USF) hosted a welcome event, Taste of Tampa, for incoming first-year students. They organized games and local food vendors for over 2,000 attendees. Before and during the event, Cru students and staff invited first-year students to complete a survey about their spiritual interest.
They needed a lot of help to run an event of this magnitude. Praise God, over 70 volunteers from Tampa-area churches and Cru staff from headquarters in Orlando joined the Cru USF team to make the event a success.
Students on campus face many pressures, especially when away from home for the first time. Jada, who attended Taste of Tampa and talked with the Cru team, shared that she felt torn between following Jesus and participating in “the whole college experience.” Please pray that Jada and others like her will desire to continue their walk with God or begin a new relationship by accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Following the USF event, students received a personal follow-up text if they indicated on the survey they wanted to know more about God or Cru. One student, Delaney, replied that she wanted to talk with someone about how to know God personally. Later that afternoon, Kerri, a Cru USF staff member, met with Delaney, who prayed to receive Jesus Christ!
Robin and I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13-14)
Thank you for your partnership in our ministry so that students, faculty, and others can hear the good news of God’s love and forgiveness.
Yours in Christ,
Steve & Robin