“I’d never pictured myself in missions but suddenly, I did.” Why would a neuroscience major interrupt his pursuit of med school to do a year-long mission trip in the Middle East?
Instead of prepping for the MCATs and applying to Med School, like most of his pre-med peers, Chris (pictured right), who recently graduated from Queens College, is currently on a STINT (Short-Term INTernational) year abroad with Cru. An unconventional move for sure, yet one that makes perfect sense in light of Chris’ rather unconventional goal, “I want evangelism to be the cornerstone of my life."
The son of immigrant parents from Kerala, India, which is known for its Christian witness dating back to the Apostle Thomas. Tales of Chris’ grandfather’s ministry are full of conversions, persecutions, and hardships. This same spirit of persistence has been evident in Chris’ life from an early age. Barely past toddler years, Chris won awards for Bible memory and devoted himself to family prayer time, while he peppered his school mates with mission tracts from his Pentecostal Church.
Chris’ interest in medicine began during his high school years. Thanks to a MEDLIFE internship, Chris helped lead Mobile Clinics in Peru, providing medical care and teaching 2 to12 year-olds basic hygiene like hand washing and how to use a toothbrush. From this experience, a career in global health beckoned.
However, Chris’ faith and mental health became shaky and he experienced depression, plummeting grades, spiritual doubts, and questions. Through his trials, Chris emerged more aware of his brokenness and his desperate need for God.
About this time, Chris connected with Doran, a Queens College Cru staff member, who invited Chris to Cru’s Fall Retreat. A speaker’s message of risky evangelism spoke directly to Chris’ heart. It was there that Chris first learned about STINT. And it was there that the idea of delaying med school to do mission work began to germinate in Chris’ mind.
Chris prayed about going on a STINT daily for two months, including attending Cru’s Winter Conference in Baltimore where he attended a STINT seminar, and where “the Holy Spirit gave confirmation about STINTing.” Please pray for Chris and the hundreds of others who are on STINTs this year around the world. To find out more about opportunities to go on short or long-term mission trips with Cru, go to www.cru.org/go.
Robin and I are grateful for your prayers and partnership in our ministry with Cru that makes it possible for people around the world to hear the good news of God’s love.
Yours in Christ,
Steve & Robin