Hurricane Florence continues to wreak havoc on the Carolinas. Robin and I have been praying for friends and Cru staff who live in that area, especially those who serve at UNC – Wilmington. Last we heard, all Cru staff are safe and doing ok. But that’s not the case for thousands in that area. People’s lives were changed in moments!
Cru’s humanitarian ministry, Global Aid Network (GAiN), is on the scene to assist. Volunteers and Cru staff worked quickly at GAiN’s warehouse in Pennsylvania to gather and pack needed supplies to transport to the Carolinas when it was safe to do so.
The first day GAiN’s Director, Al Goff, was on site in Wilmington he said, “Our team distributed a full container of water, chain-sawed many trees to cut people out of homes, and pumped water out of four homes. Handed out lamps for light. Prayed with many people and listened to terrifying stories of people who were here during the worst of it.” GAiN staff, Cru student groups, and volunteers are also on hand distributing supplies, rendering aid, and sharing the kindness of Jesus.
GAiN will continue to send Cru staff and student groups to this area in the next few months to provide supplies, food, water filters, and to help with the rebuilding effort. Please pray that those who are participating in these efforts will have the chance to have spiritual conversations while meeting people’s basic needs. To find out how to give toward or go on one of GAiN’s relief efforts, please go to
GAiN partners with Cru ministries, other organizations, local churches, and individuals to show God’s love to people through relieving suffering, restoring dignity, and revealing hope by sharing the good news of the gospel. GAiN and their partners are at work in more than 191 countries around the world.
Robin’s team (photo on the right) recently worked at a GAiN event that took place at Cru’s Lake Hart headquarters. They, along with dozens of other Cru staff, traced and cut out flannel and towels that will be used to make LuoPads. The LuoPads will be assembled and taken to women in developing countries who lack access to feminine hygiene supplies. If you, your church’s women’s ministry, or your small group would like to cut and assemble LuoPads (which will then be finished and packed at the GAiN warehouse in PA), please visit
Your partnership in our ministry with Cru allows people in all sorts of circumstances to be ministered to and to experience the chance to know Christ personally. Thank you!
Yours in Christ,
Steve & Robin